Tuesday, December 23, 2008

While stalking the blogosphere...

The ex non-boyfriend. I saw that phrase while blog-stalking Thursday (the 18th) morning. The phrase as well as the description of the relationship that went along with that title is quite like my relationship with a guy that has occasionally been known as the Bozo. Well, I don't like calling him a bozo, that was just President Shannon's name for him. But it fits, cause really, he didn't always treat me that well. But that's a nice phrase that I can use for him, when I have to talk about him, which is happily not much anymore. But the next time I mention him, maybe I'll toss that term out.

Friday (the 19th) I found this very funny place: Overheard in the Ward. Apparently people send in funny things that they hear in church. I was going back through some of the older posts and found this gem:

Teacher: So the Brother of Jared saw the finger of the Lord.
Boy #1: Did he pull it?
Boy #2 pensively: That would have, like, destroyed a mountain.

I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Here's another one, and very appropriate for the time of year:

Child: I’ve been praying to Santa that he would bring me a pony for Christmas.
Mom: You can’t pray to Santa. He only accepts letters.
Child: If I pray to Heavenly Father, will he make Santa give me one?

There's more, but I recommend you visit and see for yourself.

And now on Monday the 22nd: An article at NYTimes.com, about the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's a really interesting article, and rather long. But what caught my interest was a quote on the last page of the article. He's talking about why he works so much and so hard, and why he takes such diverse parts. "I try to live my life in such a way that I don’t have profound regrets. That’s probably why I work so much. I don’t want to feel I missed something important." That's just something we should all strive for, to live in a way that we don't end up with those major regrets. Hmm, I have thoughts about regrets, but that needs its own post.

Anyways, that's some of the fun things I've found in the last week or so.

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