Friday, December 12, 2008

the cloudy sky

I caught a glimpse of the sky through my bedroom blinds. Then I had to take a longer look. The sky this morning was grey and gloomy and overcast. The kind of sky that back East you'd think had weather attached to it. If the clouds would darken just a little bit more, I could think for just a minute that snow would fall.

I miss that. I miss the snow. I miss being able to look out my window and see trees and the snow falling among the bare branches. I miss being bundled up in scarves and hats and gloves and big warm coats.

And then I walked out the door with just a light jacket over my t-shirt. And then I see the news story about the ice storm that shut down a good deal of the Northeast. And then I'm glad to be here.

But I still miss watching the snow fall.

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