Monday, October 27, 2008

Strange Times

I hate politics.

I really do. I don't like to discuss it. I don't want to be questioned on my thoughts and beliefs. I am content to think about it and then choose where I stand, but I am not telling you where that stand is.

I guess since Election Day is next week I keep seeing political posts popping up all over. And some of the things that I read and see are scary.

One of the propositions on the ballet (here and in other states) has gotten a lot of notice. On one blog I read, there was a little bit of name-calling going on. The author proclaimed that those who didn't agree with their stance were Nazis, and wrong, and crazy, and freaks. This author is merely standing up for what they believe, right? But why, if I don't agree with you, and I stand up for what I believe, am I given such labels? We all have a right, and a responsibility, to stand up for our beliefs. If your belief is different than mine, I respect that. I'm not going to point fingers and call you names. Why can't you do the same? And why is it about hate? Why, if I don't agree, why do you think I hate you? You are spouting hatred at me, by calling me names. You don't know why I make my stand, why do you assume that hatred is motivating me?

I mean, really, if I proclaim baseball the best sport in the world, and you don't agree, I'm not going to call you a nutcase or a freak or stop being your friend. Because I have friends who don't care at all about baseball, and instead love basketball. But they're still my friends, and I love them. And they still love me, despite disagreeing with them.

Why can't everything else be like that? We might disagree, but we can still be friends.

I hate those stickers that say "Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy." You want to live in a Democracy, then you have to deal with what happens. Just because what you wanted didn't happen doesn't give you the right to complain about it. You take what's given, and you make the best of it. Don't just sit back and point fingers at who is to blame for the mess you're in. Don't complain about how life would be better if whoever else got elected instead. Suck it up and deal with it.

One of the great things about this country is that we can vote, that we can stand up for our beliefs. But, we have to support our country after that vote. Do you stop loving your country if the person you didn't vote for get elected? Of course not. But you have to show it. Show it by voting, and then dealing with the fallout of the election without being bitter and resentful if it doesn't go exactly how you wanted it to.


Nikki and Edward Moure said...

I know you hate politics... I, on the other hand, love it. I have learned, however, that politics is like religion in that you cannot discuss it with anyone unless both sides have open ears and hearts and we all know that that rarely happens. That's why I vent through my blog, because I can't anywhere else.

Kethry said...

That's why I can't stand it. Because there is no open-mindedness. There's so much hatred and fear-mongering. Pointing fingers and blame games and avoidance.

Well, I'll be real glad when it's all over. Of course, there'll be all the fallout. Who knows how long it'll take for people to calm down about it.

Mike West said...

Sad thing is, there is a lot of that bitterness and anger in the church. One of my friend's wards in VA has a lot of people who are upset about the Prop 8 in CA. Members of the church are calling the prophet a Bigot. Its preliminary wheat from tares. Many will walk away from the church because of these props, but the church will be stronger becaus a few more apostates have been filtered out.

Kethry said...

I hadn't thought about it that way. And I didn't really think that this issue would divide the church. Well, whatever, they make choices according to what they believe is right.

There was a post from one on my blogroll that touches on this subject. I thought it was a great way to put her beliefs. You can read the entry here: