Monday, July 27, 2009

A brunch date

So I had another date with the guy. Well, it wasn't really a date. Even if he did pay. Whatever. Anyway. I called him this morning, he was just a mile or two away at his new house and asked if I wanted to go have breakfast. So we went to Mimi's and had a nice time. We had a good talk about baseball and his house and work and things. Very low-key.

I know that some of my friends have a little bit of concern about this. But when we went out last week, we said that we'd be friends, hang out, and just have fun. And today was just that. No hugs, no kisses, just hanging out and talking. And then when we talked about the next time, it was the same thing. We'll see what comes up and have no set plans. There're vague plans to go to a ballgame, I offered to help him move, but really, nothing definite. This is totally different than last year, so I have no idea or expectations of what will happen.

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