Sunday, August 9, 2009

A case of blahs. But I got better.

It's been a bit of an off week. It started well. I taught Relief Society last Sunday, which went really well. (You should really read this talk. Elder Uchtdorf, "We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down".) Then later that day I got my temple recommend renewed. And I spent three days at my sister's house playing with her kids. Took Angie out to dinner for her birthday, so we came home with really yummy leftovers. So really, it was a good week.

But for some reason, the blahs still struck late in the week. I stayed up late because I was bored and didn't want to go to sleep. Then, in the mornings, I didn't want to get out of bed. I watched random movies and shows and found myself getting weepy. Oh, and I was a little stressed over money, because things were a little tight, and I forgot to file my weekly unemployment claim on Sunday, so the payment was delayed by a day. That sure didn't help. And I haven't heard from the guy this week. Which contributed to the blahs. But really, I'm not surprised he didn't call. Disappointed, but not really surprised.

But today was a good day. Good lesson, good talks. Had a missionary farewell, and he did very well. (I know, I know, we're not supposed to call it that anymore, but really, what else am I supposed to call it?) I stressed over forgetting to get someone to play the piano in Relief Society, but I found someone quite happy to play, even with five minutes notice. (I did take the opportunity to ask her to play for the rest of the month. So I don't have to worry about it for another few weeks.) Then I went to the stake single adult committee meeting. That was a good meeting. Oddly, going to another meeting really helped my mood. But there we go.

Monday my niece starts kindergarten. It's exciting, but I can't believe it's already time for her to go. I'll have to call my sister tomorrow and see how she deals with her oldest starting school.

Anyways, today was a good day. And I decided that I'm going to have a better week. I actually went to the grocery store and bought food. (I haven't done that in a while.) Just knowing that there's food in my cupboards makes me happy. Play with kids, play my video game some more. Read next week's lesson. Study some. I think that's most of my problem, I don't read enough good books. So that's going to be a part of my better week.

And maybe I'll even try to write more often. I'm not guaranteeing anything, so don't hold me to it.

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