o I really need to update my blog layout and profile. I just don't spend as much time on the computer anymore. That blog list needs a cleaning, too. And I guess I could do something about my facebook profile, too.
And it's been awkward at home recently. My parents are somewhat disapproving that my relationship with Corey has moved forward so rapidly. Which I can understand, because they are concerned parents who love me. But I'm so sure of him, and so sure that being with him is the right thing.
And I've been busy with my sewing and quilting projects. I am seriously excited about all my projects. I need to post some pictures soon. Hmm, I need to borrow mom's camera again.
Anyway, I've been having fun, been busy hiding, I mean working in the craftroom. Spending time talking to Corey, driving to see him, driving home from seeing him, thinking about him. Occasionally going to the gym. I haven't spent much time with my sister and her kids the last couple of weeks, I really need to play with the kids some more.
That's a goal for this week, spend more time playing with kids. And pictures to post. Two goals. We'll see. Hmm, also profiles to update. Wait, wait, I don't want to get too ambitious. I still need to empty my old phone so I can cancel that number, and I still haven't let everyone know the new number. Oh, so if I haven't sent you my new number yet, and you want it, comment here or message me on facebook. Ok, that's enough of a list for the next few days. We'll see what happens.