Monday, June 8, 2009

Some random things to make up for not posting in two months.

So it's June already. Still unemployed. But I'm happier about it. After all, now I get regular payments. Things aren't so bad.

Got a new calling. First counselor in the Relief Society presidency. Which is weird, being a single 30-something in a family ward. But it's going well so far. People keep asking me if I'm overwhelmed or nervous or whatever. It's strange, but I don't worry about the teaching or the responsibilities. I worry about having to get to know all the sisters, learn their names, and learn to love them. I don't like meeting new people. I don't like the pressure of learning names and faces and histories. I'll be going visiting this week. The first time as a member of the presidency. I'm sure I'll be fine.

My parents were away this weekend. That means I'm pet-sitting for them. I don't sleep well here anymore. Well, and having to keep my bedroom door open means one of the cats joins me on the bed. Which wakes me up. And having to sleep in a bed that's not my own and is too small and has a mattress that is not right for me. Last night I slept on the couch. It was a much better sleep, even if I did still wake up the same number of times in the night. I'll be sleeping on the couch again. I was about to try to sleep when I remembered that I forgot to file my unemployment for the week. Can't forget that. Then I decided that I needed to get some of these thoughts out of my brain.

There's some other things. But I think I'll save them for later. Just about guys and postsecret and random musings. Maybe by the next time I get online I'll not need to talk about it. Or maybe I'll surprise you and actually have more to say.

Oh! I bought a new dresser a couple weeks ago. From IKEA. I love that place. And I love my dresser. I put it together while watching the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. It took the entire length of the movie to finish it. But it's so pretty. I had to completely rearrange the boxes stacked around my room to empty the space for it.

Ok, tired now. Going to go to bed. If I don't see you again, have a great June.

(Wait, now that I think about it, I'll be more motivated to post again if I know that I have readers. Post a comment, let me know you noticed that I'm still around. Thanks.)


Emily said...

Ok already tried to comment once and blogger is being stupid, I noticed you and you should keep on blogging.

Kristi said...

Yay! You are still alive! I am totally on the edge of my seat to hear about the boy stuff! Miss you!

kedwards said...

I've been thinking that I needed to message to for awhile now. I haven't heard from you in a while. Good to hear to are still around. :)

Moses Family said...

Finally a new post!!!! Glad to see you blogging again! Congrats on the new calling...I would be SO nervous! I was recently called as 2nd counselor in the YW Presidency in my ward. It's very overwhelming, but fun!!! :)

Nikki and Edward Moure said...

I like you Heather... isnt it about that time again?