Friday, June 12, 2009

Good times, baseball, circling thoughts, and a new plan.

It was a nice day. Yesterday was good, too. But my brain keeps circling around things I don't want to think about.

Yesterday I was not needed by my brother-in-law, so I spent my afternoon playing with his kids. (By the way, my bro-in-law is in school to be a dental hygenist, and needs patients. If you can spare $25 and 3 or 4 visits at 4 hours each during the week, you're promised a very clean set of teeth. Oh, and he needs a special needs patient, and pregnant women fall into that category. So if any of you pregnant friends can go, that would be great.)

So playing with my nieces and nephew. They are such great kids. I have such fun when I go and play with them. One of these days I'll post a picture of them. Sister took a nap when her two youngest do while I play video games with the oldest. Then we all pile into my little car to go to dinner. Bath time and then bed time. Scriptures and stories. Good times. (My sister is such a good Mom. I hope I can be like her.)

And the weather has been just fantastic lately. Tonight was another baseball game. Great game, lots of hits, lots of runs. Two wins in a row. And fireworks too!

But as I was driving home, my good mood wandered away. I start thinking about guys and wondering about guys I've dated, wondering how they are and stuff. Which is a pointless exercise. But it's been bothering me the last week or so. I'm not quite sure why. Prolly just my complete lack of a dating life at the moment. But as I'm driving home, I just want to go faster and faster, as if I could possibly outrun my thoughts.

Well, I just need to think about other things. I have my calling to occupy me. I need to study lessons and handbooks, and get my focus on something else. So that's the plan. Play with kids and study scripture. Stay busy. That should work. It will work. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Moses Family said...

I WILL work! Heather you are so awesome, and I KNOW you will make a wonderful mother! :)

p.s. Great, thanks for letting me know I'm classified as "special needs".