Just over a year ago, I got laid off from my job. And I'm not ashamed to say that this has been the best year ever.
Granted, having to give up my apartment and not being able to find a job have been rough, but it's still been great. I've gotten to know my younger sister's kids a lot better. Especially moving in with them. My nephew Camden is still so happy to see me come down the stairs. This morning I heard him looking for me. He's even started to come to me for comfort every once in a while. Deanna, the youngest, likes to come find me, too. If she knows I'm upstairs, she'll come and find me and try to open the door. Kendra started school last fall, and I was even able to drive her to school for her first day. Good times.
I've gotten into quilting again. I have one top done, one in progress, and enough fabric for 4 more quilts and a bag. I've bought books, a frame, and mom bought me a sewing machine. Well, it's hers, but it's for me to use. And we rearranged her whole craft room to be basically a sewing room. It's so rewarding to see something come together, and know that it's all my own work, mistakes and all.
So even though it's been really hard not having a full paycheck, I've been loving this time. I've been living with my sister for nearly two months now. I think I've finally gotten used to it. And we started going to the gym in the morning. And having someone motivated to go and getting me to go has been great.
I don't know what's going to happen next, jobwise, but I'm going to keep on enjoying what I have.